Thursday, April 19, 2012

"DNA is Not Destiny"

 In an article, Ethan Watters expresses the epigenetic changes on DNA without changing a single base pair. The article describes a study done on fat yellow mice. The agouti gene was responsible for obesity and yellow fur, making the mice prone to cancer and diabetes (1).  The offspring of the agouti mice were identical to their parents; large yellow “pincushions” with a short life expectancy (1). With this in mind, researchers Jirtle and Waterland designed a genetic experiment involving the pregnant agouti mice’s diets. In the test group, they fed the mothers a diet that was rich in methyl donors. The methyl groups can attach to a gene and “silence” it. After the mothers gave birth, the pups were small and brown. The methyl groups had entered the embryo’s chromosomes and effectively silenced the agouti gene. Now here comes the big question: what do yellow fat mice have to do anything with cancer?

      Cancer is the end result of many events that lead to tumors. Damaged DNA and mutations are involved in the development of a tumor. For cancers that are associated with a mutated gene, there is some hope. By methylating DNA (or inhibiting methylation) that codes for the defective gene, we can either silence the gene or contain tumor growth. Jirtle and Waterland’s experiment claims that genistein is linked to cancer chemoprevention and low levels of adipose desposition (2). Genistein is found in soy, which was included in the mothers’ diets (250 mg/kg). The researchers had hypothesized that there will be hypermethylation on one of the six cytosine-guanine sites upstream transcritption of the Agouti gene.

                The researchers had obtained virgin female mice that were assured to be heterozygous for the Agouti gene through 200 generations of inbreeding. It is believed that the Avy (Agouti) gene encodes for a single molecule that affects the follicular melanocytes that results in a yellow phaeomelanin pigment instead of a black eumelamin pigment (2). They fed the mice the 250mg/kg diet of genistein for about 2 weeks before mating with another heterozygous male.  DNA was collected on two occasions: Day 21 when the offspring were still in the womb and Day 150 when the offspring were already born and were growing. DNA samples were obtained at Day 21 through tail samples and Day 150 through tail, liver, brain and kidney samples. The researchers had classified the offspring by coat color, ranging from yellow (<5% brown) to pseduoagouti (>95% brown). To determine which site of cytosine-guanine sites, they amplified the regions in interest with PCR and ran a 1.5% agarose gel (2).

                Jirlte and Waterland found a significant shirt in coat color and body weight with the Genistein diet. The coat color was correlated to the hypermethylation of the gene. Hypermethylation had decreased the expression of the Agouti gene which protected the offspring from “adult-onset obesity” (2). The gel electrophoresis revealed that site 4 had the most increased methylation that contributed to the decreased production of the yellow phaeomelanin pigment to coat color. However, Jirtle and Waterland noted in DNA collected at Day 21, hypermethylation was found in all 3 germ layer tissues (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm), indicating the change was early in embryonic development (2). The mothers’ appetite and fur color did not change throughout the experiment. However some genes like insulin growth factor 2 (IGF2) that increase the risks of developing colon cancer were inherited or induced in the womb (2). If IGF2 gene was silenced by introducing methyl groups to the embryo, it may prevent the development of colon cancer.

                In the experiment, Jirtle and Waterland used both heterozygous (Avy/A) parents to produce offspring. Would it be a factor if the offspring differed in genotypes? Would the expression of the Agouti gene differ from a heterozygous and a homozygous? Would the data change if the offspring with (A/A) were considered, since they do not have the Agouti gene to begin with? Another concern is the DNA data collection. At Day 21, only tail samples were collected. Is the data enough to compare with Day 150 data of tail, liver…etc? The researchers also mentioned that genistein is not a methyl donar, rather it plays another role that leads to hypermethylation (since hypermethylation was observed at site 4) (2). There are concerns about methylating DNA. If methyl groups can silence “bad” genes, will it also silence “good” genes? It is crucial for the baby to undergo normal development. If methyl groups were to silence a gene that codes for the development of the eyes… well, that can’t be good. (Dramatic music)

                 For the Cancer Project, I wanted to concentrate on the prognosis of certain cancers by methylation patterns as biomarkers. I plan to research on specific methyl groups that target cancerous cells that can aid in prognosis. In one study by Szyf, DNA methylation was able to knock out one of the enzymes in a pathway that was known to lead to tumors, effectively preventing tumor development (1). Another study on the effects of green tea by Fang and colleagues prevented the methylation of cancer fighting genes and the growth of cancer in animal subjects (1). Methylation of DNA can also be used as biomarkers; mutated genes will have different methylating patterns that can allow the prognosis of certain cancers (1). This new tool is helpful with diagnosis of difficult to detect cancers such as pancreatic cancer. 

Reference Articles

Watters, E. (2006) DNA is Not Destiny. Discover Magazine. November Issue, page 32-39

Jirtle, R.L. (2006) Maternal Geinstein Alters Coat Color and Protects Avy Mouse Offspring from Obesity by Modifying the Fetal Epigenome. Envoronmental Health Perspectives. v114, pages 567-572